Every year, Drum Corps International hosts an Individual and Ensemble event where members of various drum corps perform a solo or ensemble and compete against members from other drum corps.
One of the most popular competitions within the DCI I&E event is the snare drum solo competition.
Below is a list of all of the DCI I&E snare drum champions from 1990-1999. The solos are listed in chronological order with the name of the player, the drum corps they were marching that year, the score of their snare drum solo, and a video recording.
Be sure to watch them all and observe how the overall style of playing evolves throughout the course of nine years!
* There's currently no available video of Jeff Queen's 1995 DCI I&E snare drum solo online but here's his PASIC Snare Solo from the same year:
Currently Unavailable
Pat McLaughlin is the founder of Drumline Chops. He graduated from the University of North Texas with a degree in music education and is currently the percussion director at West Bloomfield High School.